With less than a month until the central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) becomes operational, TfL is reminding riders to check their machines are compliant.
The first part of London’s ULEZ – covering the existing Congestion Charging Zone (CCZ) – will come into effect on 8 April 2019. It will be in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The ULEZ will impact powered two wheelers (PTWs) despite a report, published in June 2018, suggesting there is a ‘strong case’ for older to be exempt from the charge.
The ULEZ standards are:
- Euro 3 for motorcycles, mopeds, motorised tricycles and quadricycles (L category)
All vehicles that have a ‘historic’ vehicle tax class or are registered prior to 1 January 1973 will be exempt from the ULEZ.
Under the ULEZ, riders whose bikes fail to meet the given emission standard will have to pay an extra £12.50 per day.
Preparations ongoing
Over the last year, TfL has worked with the DVLA to send more than 600,000 letters to owners of non-compliant vehicles spotted in the CCZ.
TfL is continuing to raise awareness of the ULEZ to motorists and businesses, including through:
- Posters and digital displays across the whole TfL network, alongside print, radio, online adverts and email newsletters
- Providing advice and support to more than 6,000 registered fleet customers and more than 1,000 other stakeholders, such as small businesses, charities and health services
- Installing more than 300 road signs warning drivers at all entry points to the ULEZ and on a number of key approach routes of the zone
Alex Williams, TfL’s director of city planning, said: “The introduction of the ULEZ is now just around the corner and it is great to see that so many individuals and businesses are gearing up to help tackle London’s toxic air and protect the health of Londoners.
“We have been working hard to ensure that drivers are aware that their vehicle needs to be compliant if they are to avoid paying the charge. We have also been supporting businesses in their preparations – with many already making the move to comply.
“We have engaged with more than 6,000 fleet businesses to advise them of their options and have worked with London’s business groups to reach thousands more.”
13 March 2019