Participants needed for group riding survey

The road safety team at RoSPA is seeking volunteers to complete a survey as part of ongoing research to evaluate its videos giving advice on group motorcycle rides.

RoSPA recently published a series of video clips for those who are inexperienced at organising a group ride, which contain advice to help riders ensure maximum safety and enjoyment – while avoiding common pitfalls.

The video clips feature Kevin Bryan, a motorcycle trainer with more than 28 years’ experience, who shares his knowledge of organising group rides.

The videos cover topics including pre-planning, staying safe while group riding and other motorists’ behaviour.

The survey, which takes around 15 minutes to complete and is anonymous, aims to identify ways in which the videos can be improved.

Responses will also be used to inform the design and content of an accompanying guide to group riding on powered two wheelers.

A summary of the survey results will be published on the Road Safety Evaluation website.

Click here to take the survey, or for more information contact Rebecca Needham, RoSPA’s research and evaluation officer, on 0121 248 2149.

28 February 2019

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