TfL says lower speeds are vital to improving the safety of London’s motorcyclists.
Announcing plans to introduce 20mph limits on all central London roads by May 2020, TfL says the faster a vehicle is going, the more likely a collision will occur and the higher the chance of a rider being killed or seriously injured.
The proposals, which were put out for consultation on 5 June, are described as a key part of the mayor’s Vision Zero ambition to eliminate death and serious injury on the Capital’s transport network.
The 20mph limits in London would cover all TfL roads in the Congestion Charge Zone (CCZ) including Millbank, Albert Embankment, Victoria Embankment and Borough High Street – as well as Aldgate Gyratory, which is on the boundary of the CCZ.
Combined with the default 20mph limits set by the ‘vast majority’ of London boroughs, TfL says this would mean that most of the roads in central London would become 20mph.
Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, said: “Each year more than 4,000 people are killed or seriously injured on London’s streets.
“The evidence is clear – lowering speeds on the most dangerous roads saves lives.”
Analysis of Government data published earlier this month suggests London is the most dangerous region for motorcyclists in the UK.
The analysis of 2017 collision data, carried out by Swinton Insurance, found that nine of the UK’s 10 most dangerous roads for motorcyclists are located in Capital – with the A23 in Lambeth topping the list for a second consecutive year.
13 June 2019